Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some Photos & A Prayer Request...

This is part of the main room which will be used for various purposes. This is where we will serve the children their snacks, they will hear a devotional, play table games and work on homework. (This photo shot also gives you a glimpse into the adjoining room [the room with all the polka dots on the walls] which will remain the 'movie room.')

This is the sun porch. This area is planned to be used for the younger elementary age children.

Thank you to the WMC family for your generous contributions and donations to The Compass! Progress continues. Above are some photos of the Coffee House/The Compass once is was emptied, work had started to present day. There is still much work to do, but there is much work that has already been done. It couldn't have happened without the help of awesome people like you, without the help of an awesome church family, and without the awesome help of the Most Holy, Awesome God! God has, and will continue to provide as He promised, those with skills of every kind to continue to volunteer -- We have faith; because God has promised and He is faithful to His promises! We hope you will be just as blessed to hear about what God is doing at The Compass, as we are watching Him!

Please continue to pray for the Compass, its continued renovating process, its future reaching out to children (and their families) and its newly commissioned Advisory Board. The members are Jon Andrews, Rob Henschen, Jack Lengacher, Sr., Jeff Lengacher, Lisa Lengacher, Jim Mast, Jim & Colleen Shay and Leslie Yoder. The Compass has many important decisions, policies and a mission statement that needs to be written on its behalf. The Advisory Board will be responsible in making most of those decisions, regulating the policies and drafting a mission statement, with each of us prayfully seeking to remain within the center of God's will; each person represented by the Advisory Board for The Compass, and every volunteer, values and appreciates your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HELLO there! My name is Nikki and I live in Washington state. I am actually a fellow Hoosier though, and just living in Washington for a short season for hiking, fun and the experience. I came across your blog when searching for some online devotional ideas about how children can face the 'storms' in their lives. I am not sure what linked to your site, but i am SO glad i came across it. I'm actually working in an afterschool ministry in WA, which is why i was looking for devotional ideas. It is so great to see that you guys are taking the courageous steps of starting an after school program! I just wanted to encourage you as you are getting your afterschool ministry started; it is so great to see that someone else is out there, stepping-out in faith and creating a place for children to come and be safe, have fun, learn, and most importatnly meet jesus! Thanks you for doing this (especially in the great state of Indiana--my home sweet home). I am convienced, the more I work with kids in my community and the public school, that the public school is one of the greatest mission fields that exists today. As an afterschool program we have the oppourtunity to be right in the middle of it all--right where God can work in the lives of kids but also impact their families by offereing them a program after school. We are providing something that is neccesary for kids, but also a place that is crucial for thier hearts and lives. So thanks for all you are doing! I and my staff at our after school program will be keeping The Compass in our prayers, as we work together---many miles apart--to glorify God and continue his mission of reaching kids in our community and impacting their families. If you are interested in looking into our program you can check it our at www.thefirs.org, under teh After School Adventure link. I would love to exchange ideas with you or if I can help in any way, let me know (nikki@thefirs.org). Thanks again for the work you are doing...be blessed! -Nikki Reed